Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Its never cold at brookside!!!

Hello Everyone,its all good here! Our friends Frank and Co Pilot Reina about to fly home in the pontiac bonneville!
And here is our 67 walk thru Hippy Bus with its new Lower Corner! And Battery Tray!
Here is a rare 21 window bus that we have Lowered for Chris from Ludlow,lots going on and more soon!! SJ Van Jansen!Sorry
Oops! the pontiac with Smiley New Owners! see you soon off to New York! He He!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

The 67 Cremme brulle tour bus is finally on its way!!!!!

Beware of the Dog! Our very Mazee the Company mascot!
This is Neil and Hulas Poppy The Bus having some final fittings,look out for this 13 Window lowered beauty!
here are Split Screen wheel Rims being Riveted on,these hold the Hubcaps On Volks!
also in this rare 1960 split screen bus in for tune Up and service! Note small back window!
Owner Peter keeps this nice! Also has rare Cargo Inner Door Handles,wide spoon Pop Out Latches and more! In our safe hands she Drives lovely!
Pierre and Christines bus tuned up ready to Rock and Roll!
Justins 78 bay awaiting engine modification ,she sports the 1600cc and exhaust to match all fitted by us!
Another view of the 1960 Split split Screen Bus in our Spacious Workshop!Brookside Dances on and wait till you see whats Coming in from across The Pond! More soon Sunseekers!! SJ Van Jansen!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Its pouring with campers!!!!

Hi All ,well its not Bus weather,is it?But Look! Clemmie the Bus is relly looking great Again!
This Bus is in for Tune Up,no major Dramas!
Our 67 Split walkthrough,going to go Hippy and Happy on this one Pop pickers!Not half!
And more of Nigel and Kates Clemmiebeing assembled,its Doors on loud what a Band!Lets Walk on Through To The Other Side!!
Actually a Front End as nice as Keira Knightley!! He He!
Careful Drillimg reqired or you will end up looking like Texas Oil Rig!
The same Bus with top Front Panel Sprayed L90 D Pastel White.its all good at the Brookside vw s and dont forget Your Copy of Vw Bus and Camper Win Tickets For the Cremme Brulee live at the NEC hosted by The Enigmatic SJ!!Bye for Now Pop Pickers!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Firstly type 2 bay window rear wheel bearing removal, not always an easy job!!
Our very own 1967 splitscreen camper walkthrough! keep an eye on this one and much more soon volks!!! got to get a plane to barbados!!!!!!!!! hehe S.J!!!!