Friday, 20 December 2013

Have a great christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

And finally, Many thanks to all our customers and friends, The one and only SO32 Sub hatch martin john, Vince and karen, Ronaldo, captain nigel clay and corp laura clay, pryan price, martin and dianna, allan coe, neil and huliya, jasdon and sarah, Kyle kincad, roger riviera and louise and emma in A&E, lianna lovely beetle and many more!! Many thanks to you all!!! SI, Mart & Co.


Christmas is here at last and these two beauties are in some major repair work!
Here is leannes transformed beatle with its wheels taken off and taken down to the powder coaters!
Next is the super rare 1971 westy bus!
Look at that newly upholstered rear cushion!
WOW....Brookside strikes again!!!
This is neils bus just painted.....
Look at those groovy built up windows!
Just like a Junkers 88!
Next up, our stunning early 65 splitscreen!
Look at that floor pan an SJ special HAHAHA
Look at those OG Outriggers/Jack points and Eye sections!!!! Wishing everyone a nice Christmas more soon from the Legendary SJ and all the team here!!!

Monday, 16 December 2013


Its Busy Busy Busy at Brookside!!!
Usual amount of rot in the corner of the floor pan, We have seen worse!
Brand new metal about to be shaped and welded in!
Jason's cylinder head cracked!
Another cylinder head being re-conditioned to replace Jason's cracked cylinder head!


Next the fantastic interior going into martin and diannes 71 westy!
Look at that sink and those curtains!
Rare OG Sink/Fridge unit!!
Another view of the interior!
A view of the workshop, SJ loves it up here!
Rust free bodywork!
Rare rear curtain board!

Leannes Lovely Beetle nearly finished!!

More of leannes lovely floor pan!
Anti-rust paint on the interior floor pans!
The interior reftitted!
Brand new front wings bolted on!
Assembly, the most important and rewarding part of the job!
The rear wings bolted on!
The floor looks like its just left the Hannover Factory pop pickers!!

Kiersteys Kite!

Kiersteys beetle about to have its engine removed
She has suspect cracked valves or heads, a case for Columbo!
The engine removed, as much space now for the USS Enterprise!

The engine on the bench, ready for strip off.....The engine that is! HAHA! More progress soon VOLKS!!!